Autumn waits with hands outstretched
As fate collides with hearts sublime
Faces of love on stone are etched
Here comes the sun, it’s now springtime

Your eyes unveil the heart you claimed
And quench a soul once inflamed
You wipe her tears and softly say:
“My love, it’s never goodbye
I wait for you here, until next time”

Words unsaid and tears unwept
Her mind’s eye sees a promise un-kept
She clings to your kiss, like a child in bliss
As you softly whisper: Heaven is this!

Autumns will come and they will go
Leaves will fall and love will grow
Perhaps these two entwined in blue
Will split the sky, so clear, in two

And look upon those who mourn
Reaching out to those unborn
And say; “Don’t cry, it’s never goodbye
I wait for you here, until next time…

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