Serendipity gently comes to shore
Bringing man to his knees once more
Scented with myrrh –Shrouded in mist,
An enticing blur –One cannot resist
As church bells toll with resonant chime
Shattering logic and consonant rhyme
Valiant sense summons things past:

“Malevolent fate is this deja vu it a re-cast?”
“But, ah, besieged haunted soul…
This creed you claim.. must not disdain
A muse’s flame…a celestial stroll..
‘Tis neither crime nor secret shame
‘Tis royal truth of transient sorrows
And beguiling youth man vainly borrows.”
Serendipity sighs and rests ashore
Reclaiming her fateful metaphor
As man once more, prisoner of his own war
Bids farewell to a willing bride,
Standing there with ardent pride…
Afar, in the stillness of the night

Words incise, without disguise
“ Seek and ye shall find?
Man! There lies your demise..
You find.. Defy and later deny ..
The very sting of your mind’s eye…
Fate, my friend, has not been so unkind!!!!”